Fascinated with the tarot from a young age, Natalie Kollmann is a Reiki master and yoga instructor with over 700 hours of training from Jeffrey Manning, specializing in therapeutic alignment based on the teachings of B.K.S Iyengar. By combining these passions over the last ten years, Natalie enjoys using the tarot in her specialty classes to connect more deeply to Spirit, allowing Source to help guide sequences and deliver messages to nurture the hearts she teaches.
On a journey of healing, Natalie credits the combination of yoga, tarot and reiki with her ability to let go attachments around alcohol and nicotine-happily sober for the last 5 years. Sound healing, in particular, has been transformational in her experience with trauma that shows up in her body as digestive sensitivities combined with insomnia and muscle tension. Her hope is to use the successful combination of adaptable movement and energetic practices to gently unfold her student’s awareness of their own inherent healing capabilities.