Our services.
Annointed soul session $222
Annointed Soul Sessions are a spiritual healing treatment that includes tarot, yoga, reiki and sound healing. A tarot pull helps define and design a yoga class for you to fully embody the power of the messages received. As you lay for Savasana (relaxation) at the end of the session, I annoint your face, neck, shoulders, hands and feet with sesame oil (optional essential oil or CBD-THC product) during which you also receive a reiki treatment. Continue your journey to bliss as you receive the vibrational healing of vocal toning and chanting accompanied by brass and crystal singing bowls. This is an experience for you to be held in a space of love an reflection.
Restorative stretch and reiki $111
Allow yourself deep relief and relaxation as you are guided through a series of assisted stretches. With assisted stretching, the body feels supported externally, allowing the muscles to more fully release tension. During this session, you may be supported using hands-on techniques, yoga straps, blocks or bolsters. Throughout the session, Natalie will keep Reiki flowing toward your stated intention or highest purpose. This class is ideal for a recovery day, pain management and releasing stress. Finish with a guided meditation and extended rest as your body incorporates this energetic healing.
Tarot Yoga $144
Tarot Yoga is a movement practice created for you based on your tarot pull. You'll begin with a talk on the card themes of the class. Embrace opportunities to remember, release and receive for your Soul's highest purpose as you move through a carefully curated series of exercises. Finish with an extended Savasan (relaxation). Tarot Yoga is ideal to help you gain clarity around and embrace the energies moving through your life.
Oracle Sound Healing $88
Sound is the fastest way to acctivate every cell in our body, and studies have shown it to directly benefit our mental processes, heartbeat, adrenals, digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. Restore and relax during this guided meditation and sound bath. Draw a card from the beautiful Kuan Yin Oracle deck, take a few gentle stretches and settle in to a supported resting position. Absorb the messages meant for you during a sound healing of vocal toning/chanting, crystal and brass singing bowls, and other sound instruments.
Reiki $77
An energetic therapy that holds the power of intention to bring peace and relaxation to the receiver, Reiki is a healing that can work energetically on any level-mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically. In person clients can expect gentle hands on placement if they choose, however, Reiki works through any time and space, so you do not need to be in contact physically. Wear comfortable clothing and give yourself permission to receive any healing you may need- consiously or unconsciously.
Tarot Reading $77
Tarot helps facilitate a conversation to bring clarity around goals and transitions in your life. I call on Source to speak through the cards to bring messages to you for your highest purpose. Leave feeling more centered and hopeful, with ideas to take positive action in your life!
Tarot Party
Elevate your special occasion or holiday party by offering your guests an opportunity to connect and share over their own personal Tarot revelations. Engage in the fun, empowerment and wonder these readings can bring to your celebration!
Rates for a three-hour appearance $333 Additional hours add $111
Please contact directly for booking @ 331-575-7652 texts welcome